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Partnerships for an inclusive society: An interview with Tali Bielski, Board Member at Delitelabs


Tali Bielski is a Board Member at Delitelabs. As a newcomer herself, Tali immediately felt a connection with the purpose of the organization. She describes the value of Delitelabs as “getting the best out of yourself and bringing your true self to the table by exploring your purpose and passion.” We spoke to Tali about her background and experience and why Delitelabs is important for building a more inclusive society.

“Delitelabs brings much more to these participants, not only with the tools provided but with the journey that participants go through and the connections they make with each other. It brings a whole new layer to the integration process in a new country.”

From Israel to Amsterdam: Finding Tali’s purpose

Born to a South African mother and an Israeli father, Tali grew up in Israel. Her first job was at the second-largest advertising agency in Israel, which she describes as “an amazing learning experience” where she got exposed to different cultures, industries, and leadership styles.

One day, her partner came home with a job offer based in Amsterdam and Tali jumped on the opportunity for an adventure! Ten years ago, Tali relocated to Amsterdam and fell in love with the city.

Today, Tali is on a purpose-driven mission. She currently serves as the Managing Director for Union of Nature and Director of Partnerships at EarthToday, a “for-purpose” company that connects brands, individuals, and nature protection organizations in a new model of collaboration to protect nature at scale.

Beyond integration

As a board member, Tali supports Delitelabs in making sure everything is in place, developing strategic initiatives, and securing the future vision. As she puts it, “It’s basically our responsibility to protect the intention and the mission of the foundation.”

As a daughter of a newcomer (and a newcomer herself), Tali is extremely passionate about the mission of Delitelabs. For Tali, “the mission of Delitelabs is about giving people the tools to bring the best out of themselves – whether it’s entrepreneurial skills or getting people to connect to their passion and what they’re good at.”

Delitelabs offers programs to empower newcomers to unlock their potential by developing entrepreneurial skills, with the ultimate goal of building a sustainable livelihood and an inclusive society.

While traditional government-run “integration” programs typically focus on learning the local language, finding employment, and other practical information, Tali reminds us that there is also a huge emotional aspect when moving to a new country. “Delitelabs brings much more to these participants, not only with the tools provided but with the journey that participants go through and the connections they make with each other,” Tali says. “It brings a whole new layer to the integration process in a new country.”

Bringing inclusion to business & society

One of the core values at Delitelabs is inclusion.

Tali explains, “Inclusion is really about providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.” When she first moved to the Netherlands, Tali struggled to translate her experience in Israel to the local Dutch market. People weren’t familiar with the university she attended, the company she worked for (which, as we mentioned, was one of the biggest advertising agencies in Israel), and her overall background. “I remember how challenging it was when I first arrived – not knowing anyone, leaving my network behind. Your starting point is more difficult,” Tali says. “As a society, we should pay much more attention to inclusion. Hiring diverse talent isn’t enough – it’s the workplace culture that shapes whether people remain and thrive. It’s about seeing the person for their skills and the value they can bring to the table, and that’s very difficult to see from a CV.”

Delitelabs aims to build an inclusive society by providing participants with the tools and skills they need to succeed in their new environment.

However, we can’t forget a crucial component of society that also has a responsibility to drive inclusion: business.

One of Delitelab’s current organizational partners is Ben & Jerry’s, a company with a demonstrated history of social impact. Tali describes the collaboration as a “two-way partnership” in which participants at Delitelabs have the opportunity to complete internships or other projects at Ben & Jerry’s. This gives them exposure to the local way of doing business, but, as Tali describes, “the team within the company are also exposed to newcomers and their challenges. That’s how you get away from biases and you build more empathy, which is fundamental if you want to become an inclusive company.”

Tali is excited to work in true partnership with more organizations, accelerating Delitelabs’ mission to build inclusive societies.

The business case for diversity and inclusion is stronger than ever, and the likelihood of financial outperformance has strengthened over time. Are you interested in partnering with Delitelabs to advance inclusion within your organization? Get in touch!

Written by Sophie Poulsen

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